There are 9 Types of People

According to the enneagram test, there are not two types of people, but 9! The pacer gram fitness test, oops, the enneagram test is a modern conglomeration of many past ways of judging character. The Symbol for the enneagram which similar to a 9 pointed star has its roots traced all the way back to Pythagoras. The qualities or “virtues” and their counter-parts the “passions” have roots back to Plato, Socrates, and other neo-platonic philosophers from the third century. It was later studied by the Desert Fathers who helped develop the catholic canon. It is believed that this is where the seven deadly sins came from as there is a relationship with each virtue that it comes from a holy idea, and if you lose focus on this idea your ego will become fixated in pursuing something. I guess the relation is that once you become fixated trying to find something that comes from God, but not looking to God for it, you’ll end up sinning or separating yourself from God.

I am a huge fan of personality tests! Not so much like the “what kind of garlic bread are you?” ones, but tests like The Big 16 (Myers Briggs), Jung’s personality test, Personalysis, and this one are great. When done right these tests can do two things, tell you a lot you already know about yourself (and affirm how awesome you are 😀 ); but also tell you about your flaws. Few people like to be told in what areas of their life they need to improve, but, knowing these areas can help you become more aware. Aware of the possibly unbalanced scales when maybe your feelings are on the line. When the stakes are high, are you the type of person who should listen to your emotions? Or could you just be a bit worked up right now…

Nobody likes examining their flaws but learning what things you are prone to can help you recognize patterns or cycles you get into in your own life and how better deal with them too.

So my personality type is a 4; The title of this type is: The Individualist

I’ve often heard it said about me “Some people like to march to the beat of their own drum, but Eric, he doesn’t even have a drum”. Some people may take this as a “diss” but personally I have always taken it as a compliment. What does the website have to say about fours? Basic fear: is that they have no identity or personal significance. Basic desire: to find themselves and create their significance. This is elaborated on and basically, my type can identify as “different” to such a fault that they will assume that no one can sufficiently understand them or what they have gone through / care about. “Fours typically have problems with a negative self-image and chronically low self-esteem” (LOL). Paradoxically. they really hate being alone and have a strong desire to connect with people who understand them and their feelings. It is said that one of the biggest challenges Fours face is learning to let go of the past. They may hold onto negativce feelings about those who have hurt them or become so attached to longing/disappointment that they are unable to recognize the gifts they have in the present. They’re also referred to as the “romantics” of the enneagram.

Many of the flaws of a four stem from Envy, because at the end of the day; a four loves being individualistic but can’t help but envy “””””””regular””””””” people. While reading this I know it is spot on, luckily for me, I believe I have come to keep in check many of the issues my type struggles with. Mainly, it’s because I don’t have to lean on the understanding of man but rather that of God. Do you think God would waste his time making trash? Nah.

Luckily they don’t only list negatives on here! When functioning at a healthy level, a four may possess some of these qualities: The ability to transform all their experiences into something valuable, self-creative (whatever that means), aware of feelings and inner impulses, sensitive and intuitive to both self and others, tactful, gentle, compassionate, highly personal, individualistic, emotionally honest. Serious and funny, vulnerable and emotionally strong.

If your a four hang in there you ain’t all bad! 😀

All my information came from here I advise you check it out if this was interesting to you!