Straight Boolin in 2020

As most of you probably know, I suffer from a man-made disease called braces. So the other day (yesterday) I was eating lunch and watching my computer to make sure it didn’t run away. While I was eating I said to myself, “self, something is wrong. My mouth hurts, B A D“. So I went to the mirror and my bottom wire had broken and was now digging far into my gum. Owwie. So my thought process went like this. Well, that is a bummer but I only have to wait one more day until my appointment, surely I can wait that long. Then I walked back to my desk.

In less than ten seconds I think enough is enough. I get up to go across the house to get a pair of wire cutters, bring them to the bathroom, opened up as wide as I could, stuck those puppies in there and yeeted that wire right outta there. I pulled it out without any consequences! I went to the Ortho today and they didn’t chew me out or anything!

As I like to blow things out of their proportionate context; I believe there is a lesson in this. Sometimes waiting is not the answer. Sometimes doing what you can, although not a 100% solution, may make you feel much better.

Let’s take some examples. I recently finished my application for a university that shall remain nameless. A hint is that it rhymes with Shamu LOL. Ok, so I finished the essays, hit submit, sent in about a billion transcripts, and now; I am wait. Anxious? Maybe. Worried? Kinda. Anxious? Most definitely. BUT, will this help me at all? Nope. So what can I do? Can I take it into my hands and break into the registrar’s office and stamp a picture of my face with the word “ACCEPTED” in red and leave it on a desk? Probably not. What I can do however is follow up in person to make sure things are going swimmingly.

The number 1 fear in America is neither death nor loneliness, but public speaking! I can’t relate as I love attention. So what do you do if you’re assigned a speech? Maybe for a class, or maybe in front of coworkers. You probably don’t forget about it, in fact, you probably start to review the material. ALOT. The more familiar you become with what you’re going to say, the easier it becomes for you (hopefully) to envision yourself succeeding.

The point is, focus not on what you can’t do, but rather what you can! It’s much more comforting focusing on that. If it is truly out of your hands 100% than hey, why worry!

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